8 Limbs Of Yoga Tattoo

8 Limbs Of Yoga Tattoo

Shoumya Chowdhury


The goal of this piece is to look at the 8 Limbs of Yoga from both a philosophical and an artistic point of view, showing how this complicated design represents a way of life rather than just art.

People get tattoos for more than just looks; they’re powerful symbols of their beliefs and personal journeys. The 8 limbs of yoga tattoo is a good example of this phrase. This beautiful design not only follows the ancient principles of yoga, but it also stands as a constant reminder of how powerful it can be for making big changes. 

The goal of this piece is to look at the 8 Limbs of Yoga from both a philosophical and an artistic point of view, showing how this complicated design represents a way of life rather than just art. We warmly invite you to join us as we explore body art that is inspired by yoga. We will talk about what each limb means and show how this written phrase can be a way to grow in self-awareness and understanding. We’re going to jump in! 

Who Established 8 Limbs Of Yoga? 

People say that the Indian scientist and teacher Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is where The 8 Limbs of Yoga comes from. Some say it was finished in 400 CE, while others say it was written between 200 BCE and 200 CE. More Patanjali writings were written between 100 BCE and 800 CE, which suggests that Patanjali may have been written by more than one person. But some people think of him as a god or a mythical person. 

In any case, Patanjali did not come up with all of his own ideas. The Yoga Sutras are a collection of different books and beliefs that have grown over the years. The Vedas, which are a huge collection of some of the oldest Sanskrit writings, the Samkhya school of thought, and ancient Buddhist meditation books are all included in this. However, none of these used the eight-limb system. For example, the Yamas and Niyamas were first written down in the Rig-Veda and Jain texts. 

Patanjali basically put together lessons from many different spiritual systems to make the Yoga Sutras. He did this to create a unified theory that still has a big effect on yoga today. 

The 8 Limbs Of Yoga: 

These 8 Limbs of Yoga give you specific steps you can take to improve your whole being.   It is also possible to reach the highest level of awareness. Sage Patanjali made it clear that these eight yoga sutra practices should be done in the order they are written. All of the practices are important because they lay the groundwork for the next one. 

Limb 1: The Yamas 

The yoga sutras include an explanation of each of the eight different aspects of yoga. The first two are the Yamas and Niyamas. In English, “yamas” means “self-control.” This is a trait that should always be sought after. These traits help us live an honest and moral life, which is the concept we’re trying to follow. We should follow the Yamas when we are out in the world. There are five Yamas, which are: 

The Five Yamas: 

  • Ahimsa: 

According to the yoga sutras, kindness means not hurting yourself or other people. Violence can do a lot of different things besides hurting people physically. There is also emotional and physical abuse. Taking harmful drugs into your body and thinking bad thoughts like anger and envy are both examples of violence. The yoga sutras teach us how to take care of ourselves and care about other people.   

  • Satya 

The next part of the 8 Limbs of Yoga proved that the yoga sutras were true. Being honest with ourselves and with other people is something that we should work on. The yoga sutras talk about two different kinds of truth: personal truth and complete truth, also called universal truth. 

Being honest and open is what Satya is all about.As you become more comfortable seeing things as they really are, you will learn how to accept them. This gives you the freedom to accept them as they are with love and compassion, which helps you feel love and compassion for yourself and others.  

According to the yoga sutras, the most important thing in the search for truth is to speak your truth, which means standing up for your views. It means being able to say what you want to say clearly and precisely while also inspiring others to do the same. 

  • Asteya: 

This is the action of not taking something that doesn’t belong to you. A lot of the time, theft involves a number of different things. You can steal more than just money. You can also steal time and thoughts. The yoga sutras say that theft is taking advantage of someone else, breaking promises, not giving it your all, and other things like that. 

Another thing that Asteya doesn’t allow is “emotional vampire” behavior or taking someone else’s peace of mind or happiness. 

  • Brahmacharya:  

In the yoga sutras, it is stressed that people should not engage in physical joys too much. Some examples are enjoying physical pleasures like sleep or sexual activity too much, as well as other pleasures like food or drugs. You may have heard the saying, “Some people live to eat, while others eat to live.” According to Brahmacharya, you should eat for health’s sake instead of just for fun. 

It is possible to improve our ability to deal with the outside world by learning how to keep a good relationship with joys. The yoga sutras teach us how to live in the world with meaning and happiness. Do not become charmed by the world’s pleasures. Being able to control yourself can be improved by practicing Brahmacharya. We reach unity in the end because of this practice. 

  • Aparigraha:  

In this commercial time, it’s easy to get hooked on the newest sports car, expensive clothes, or technology. Because of this, a lot of time, energy, and money are spent on things that don’t matter. The yoga sutras say that aparigraha is meant to help people understand that they don’t own things or people.  

When it comes to material things, we should always ask ourselves if we really need them or if we can get by without them. The yoga sutras also talk about non-possessiveness as a concept that can be used for people, events, and results. Being in the state of Aparigraha means not feeling envious of others and controlling your desire to be in charge of everything in your life and the future. This will help you live a simple but happy life. 

Limb 2: The Niyamas 

The yoga sutras say that our relationship with the world is the most important Yama. The second leg is made up of the Niyamas, which are about how to relate to yourself. Niyama means following the rules of ethics. This piece talks about the kinds of personal habits we need to develop in order to live a worthwhile life. 

The Five Niyamas: 

  • Saucha Cleansing 

According to the yoga sutras, this means being pure on purpose in your mind, body, and spirit. To practice saucha, the yoga sutras tell us to spend time and effort on our cleanliness. Exercise and good personal hygiene are two examples. Having a good view of life through chants, meditation, and being aware are some other examples. 

The yoga sutras say that even a clean and well-organized living space is saucha. It might look easy to do saucha in public and at the yoga school, but these are actually saucha techniques; after starting in our minds, purity and honesty seep into every part of our lives.  

  • Santosha  Contentment 

The state of being thankful for what you have while working toward a goal or purpose is called Santosha. In line with this concept, we tend to make it a habit to be thankful for the things we already have. This helps people find happiness in the present moment. There are instructions in the yoga sutras on how to stay grounded and find happiness no matter what. Because of this, insight happens.   

  • Tapas Self-Discipline 

The state of being thankful for what you have while working toward a goal or purpose is called Santosha. In line with this concept, we tend to make it a habit to be thankful for the things we already have. This helps people find happiness in the present moment. There are instructions in the yoga sutras on how to stay grounded and find happiness no matter what. Because of this, insight happens. 

  • Swadhyaya Self-Study 

This word means “study of oneself.” The yoga sutras make us think about the following: 

➢      Who am I really? 

➢      Why am I here? 

➢      What makes me act and feel the way I do? 

Swadhyaya is the important practice of building a deep sense of self-awareness, identity, and a set of values. It gives people direction and meaning in their life. 

  • Ishvara Pranidhana 

If you see the name Ishvara, it means that you are the divine plan. Ishvara Pranidhana means that the self gives up and surrenders to God. To have a connection with God, you need to know your mission. Besides that, your view of the world. This last niyama is usually translated as “surrender.” It means recognizing and honoring the beautiful way that all things are connected and depend on each other. 

The yoga sutras can be used to figure out how to live your life. By looking at the 5 Yamas, we can learn how to live our lives in relation to the outside world. Also, how to use the Five Niyamas to improve your relationship with yourself through the Four Seasons of Life. 

Limb 3: Asana 

The third part of yoga is ASANAS, which are physical positions. In terms of the theory explained in the yoga sutras, this part has become the most important in modern times. When you do yoga, you can get your body and mind ready for physical study. 

The term “Sthira Sukham Asanam” is likely well-known to most yogis from the yoga sutras. It explains what a “asana” is and what a comfortable, stable seat is. For this to work, the body must be in balance and not in any kind of pain, and the mind must stay calm.  

The yoga sutras say that the physical asanas clean the body before moving on to the other limbs.  

Limb 4: Pranayama 

“Pranayama” is a term originating in the Sanskrit language. Prana means life force, and Yama means a vehicle. Pranayama is the practice of being aware of and controlling your breath. It makes the body healthier and gives it more energy. 

A number of Pranayama techniques clean the energy body, which includes the energy pathways, chakras, and meridians. As you do Pranayama, you can improve your ability to move prana, which is the life force. Prana is the force we try to measure and use in our bodies to do things like digest food, speak, and think. They make it possible for the body’s processes to get better.  

Also, encourages synergy between the left and right sides of the brain. 

It is explained in detail in the yoga sutras how Pranayama can help you use and increase your life energy.  

Limb 5: Pratyahara 

When you disconnect from your senses, you keep them from being overstimulated and only use them for what they need to do. The senses and the organs that sense things are both directed by Pranayama. We do everything we can to avoid sense input that is either too much or not needed. 

Here are a few examples: 

  • Closed eyes when meditating 
  • By using Pranayama to calm the mind 
  • Floatation containers provide a calm atmosphere.  

In the yoga sutras, it is said that to focus and gain control over your feelings, you must first calm them down. This makes the process of pre-meditation easier. 

Limb 6: Dharana 

Dharana is a symbol of intention. We learn to focus all five senses on one thing—a single object or goal. This is the deed of Dharana. See any trends here? Our task is to watch all five of the limbs that lead up to Dharana with diligence. Afterwards, we might develop an inwardly focused attention. 

The purpose of Dharana is to discipline the intellect. There are several approaches that may be used to observe Dharana. For instance, Japa (chanting), candle gazing, breathing awareness, and so forth. The ability to focus on a single topic is very helpful for success in the next step, which is mediation. The intellectual lessons of the yoga sutras guide and inspire us on a deliberate journey to enlightenment. 

Limb 7:Dhyana 

The word “dhyana” means “meditation.”  In this situation, meditation means getting in touch with your true self. In this state, you are ready to look at your real self without any mental or physical distractions.  

As stated in the yoga sutras, it is necessary to have a strong ability to concentrate. The goal is to take in information from the opposite side of the body and mind. Getting complete mental and physical peace is a must before you can start meditating. 

Limb 8:Samadhi 

Samadhi is the name for the deep state of reverie. In this state, you are freed from the false ideas of time and place. This could be a state of joy and deep awareness. Being in this state makes you aware of your true self. The yoga sutras talk about the eight-pointed ends of the Path of Yoga. These ends lead us to the present moment.  

8 Limbs Of Yoga Tattoos and Their Meanings: 

Three amazing changes that yoga makes in me are stronger, more balanced, and better able to focus. Some people can find peace and calm through yoga, even when things are crazy or calm.  

With each breath and movement, a person makes a link between their body and thoughts. In yoga, you also connect with yourself. Now is the best time to pay attention to what your body is telling you.  

This is the reason why so many people hold yoga tattoos in such high regard. They are not just a way to remember to keep doing the exercise regularly. In addition, they stand for the work that is needed to achieve awareness and inner peace. 

You can get these tattoos if you like yoga, even if you’re not a yogi. You will learn how to show your yogi pride through art, whether it’s a simple, small flower or a tattoo of the warrior pose. 

  1. The Lotus Flower Tattoo: 

The lotus flower stands for divine birth and cleanliness. The flower, which is white all the way through, does best in murky water. Because of this, the flower has come to represent the peaceful mind that is awakened even though the material world is chaotic. The lotus flower stands for potential; it is the flower from which mental understanding comes. 

There are different numbers of leaves depending on what the lotus flower means. The most common shape has eight flowers, which represent the eight parts of yoga. But one thousand flowers, which represent the crown chakra or heart of awareness, are thought to be lucky. 

  1. The OM Symbol Tattoo: 

The OM mark, which comes from Sanskrit, has a deep meaning and purpose. Each curl represents a different part of the human mind: waking up consciously below, sleeping unconscious above, and the dream state that forms between the two. The dot floating above is nirvana, which is a state of heightened awareness. To get to this state of happiness, you have to cross the dash below it, which stands for a mind that can and will do anything. 

A lot of people also think that the OM or “AUM” sound represents the sound that was made when the world was created, and many yogis start and end their routines with this sound. 

  1. Mandalas Tattoo: 

The mandala is a beautiful geometric shape that is often used as a focus in meditation. It represents the spiritual world, which is in a state of global unity and where all paths meet at the center. 

The complex mandala, which has many parts and pieces, is finished and becomes a sign of oneness, perfection, unity, and wholeness. The above picture shows a mandala, which is another way to show a lotus flower in full bloom with its leaves open to the world. 

  1. Hamsa Tattoo: 

In the past, the Hamsa has been shown by a symbol in the shape of a hand with an eye in the middle. Because the Hamsa represents bravery and boldness, getting one tattooed on your skin is thought to be the best way to protect yourself from bad things. The eye is a sign of the divine, which always watches over you and brings you luck.  

Ancient people thought that getting a tattoo on your finger could protect you from bad spirits and other negative forces, so putting a Hamsa on your finger could provide extra protection. Putting an elephant on your Hamsa will bring you even more luck. 

  1. The Moon: 

Since the moon goes through rising and waning stages every year, it looks like it is always changing look from Earth. We all know, though, that the moon never really goes away; it just keeps going around us without being seen.  

We can use the moon as a powerful metaphor for our own lives because we, too, seem to change every day even though we’ve been basically the same since birth. The moon might stand for the karma cycle, rebirth, the strength and fertility of women, or the idea that “what goes around comes around.” 

  1. The Chakras Tattoo: 

The chakras are energy centers in the shape of a circle that are found all over the body. People think that they can find balance and health within themselves by focusing on and becoming more aware of each of the seven chakras. For this reason, people often tattoo the chakras as a line of images going up the spinal column. This is because each chakra is linked to a different part of the upper body. 

If you look more closely at the tattoo on the right, you can see that the chakras are being crossed by two snakes. This is influenced by Kundalini Yoga, where the practitioner releases their spiritual energy by working through their chakras. Usually, this energy is wrapped around the base of the vertebrae like a snake, waiting to be aroused so that it can wake up and illuminate the whole body. 

  1. Yin Yang Symbol Tattoo: 

It’s easy to see why one of the most often-used tattoo designs worldwide is the Yin Yang symbol. At its core, the Yin Yang sign stands for opposites that balance each other out. Yang stands for energy that is manly, and yin for energy that is feminine. As a whole, they represent the perfect balance that is needed for the universe to make sense. 

The Yin Yang symbol has an extra level of meaning for people who practice yoga. The balance between the body and mind is what yoga is all about, and the Yin Yang symbol is a powerful way to remember this. 

  1. Meditation Pose Tattoo: 

For people who are doing yoga or meditation, the Lotus Position, which is also called the Meditation Pose, is another good choice. This pose is a great way to show your dedication to your spiritual practice because it is said to be good for both the mind and the body. 

The Meditation Pose tattoo can be used to make a lot of different patterns. In some pictures, the person doing the pose is shown sitting on a yoga mat or cushion. At other times, the image looks like it’s in the air, surrounded by clouds or stars. 

  1. Buddha Tattoo: 

Yoga’s precise genesis remains elusive, with the exception of its development in ancient India. Due to this, the traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism have historically been associated with yoga.  

As a result, many individuals opt for Buddha portraits when contemplating yoga tattoos. By getting him inscribed, he becomes a representation of profound spirituality and wisdom. 

  1. Unalome Tattoo: 

People think that the Unalome represents the road to wisdom in this life. During the first part, things happen quickly and without warning. At some point after insight, the path seems a little more straight. 

In the end, the dot at the end stands for death or dissolution into the void of the world. 

An Essential Cultural Guideline Regarding the 8 Limbs of Yoga Tattoo: 

There aren’t any hard and fast rules about where you can get a tattoo, but it’s important to know that in Buddhist and Hindu cultures, putting religious or spiritual symbols or words in “impure” places is seen as insulting. 

In both Hinduism and Buddhism, the head is seen as the most holy and pure part of the body, while the feet are seen as the lowest and dirtiest. 

It is considered rude to show off the soles of your feet or make direct touch with someone using your feet. It is also very important that you never touch sacred items or pictures with your feet. 

Also, it’s important to stress that tattoos of religious or spiritual figures should be carefully planned and carried out before they are applied. 

Part of honoring the history of yoga is understanding and appreciating the image’s symbolic meaning before choosing to firmly attach it to your body. 

People may choose to get a yoga tattoo as an attractive way to show their commitment to the practice of yoga and its principles, such as balance, calmness, and awareness. 

Does Having Tattoo Impacts Yoga Practice? 

There is a lot of debate about whether tattoos have a direct impact on the body and mind. But there is a huge cultural appreciation of the tattoos with yoga inspiration. 

It is a good way to celebrate another culture and embrace diversity through inking tattoos. Most importantly it is a form of spiritual celebration. 

There are symbols that holds several meanings in the life of an individual. Therefore, when you decide to ink them, you should be mindful about how they perceive. Moreover, your spiritual journey in the practice should have absolute appropriation. 


Deciding to ink tattoos inspired from 8 limbs of yoga might bring up a lot of queries in your mind. Let us have a look at some of the prominent ones below: 

Why do Yogis have tattoos? 

Yogis get tattoos inked in them as a pledge to attain highest form of self-awareness and commitment towards spirituality. The yoga tattoo in them is a sign that they have embraced a healthier way of living, where mind, body and senses all are tuned together. 

Is lotus tattoo feminine? 

The lotus tatto has the spirit of femininity, personality and style. It’s inking on the skin when there are markings with lines exhibits each of these properties. 

Which symbol comprises all three’s of Yoga? 

It’s the “ Om or Aum” symbol that has all the three main elements of Yoga. This symbol means the sound of universe and exhibits all the core elements. 

Final thought: 8 Limbs of Yoga Tattoo 

The 8 Limbs of Yoga tattoo represents an excellent and meaningful life that extends beyond body art. Each mark on the skin is a limb that has been infused with millennia’s worth of wisdom, acting as a powerful reminder to maintain moral behavior, seek inner peace, and strive for harmony with the universe. 

This intricate design is more than just ink; it represents a concept that is deeply rooted in your identity. Allow it to inspire and encourage you every day, acting as a constant reminder to strive for a peaceful and conscious existence. 

So show off your 8 Limbs of Yoga tattoo with pride. Let it be your compass, your strength, and your anchor. Hope every glance will bring back your constant commitment to this important project. Accept this ancient wisdom, hold it up in the air, and let it accompany you on your journey toward a peaceful, meditative life. 

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Shoumya Chowdhury

Blogger and Web Developer

Shoumya Chowdhury, an EEE graduate from CUET, is currently working as a web developer. Apart from his career, Shoumya is enthusiastic about blogging, sharing well-researched content on diverse topics. He is committed to providing authentic information and values the opportunity to engage with readers through his writing.


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