Can Chickens Eat Ginger

Can Chickens Eat Ginger: Benefits, Side Effects, and How to Feed

Shoumya Chowdhury


Chickens can eat ginger, a very commonly found herb, in every kitchen. Ginger has an impressive nutrition profile, and you can also feed your chickens this nutritious herb. You can prepare food cooked with ginger or ginger powder or serve raw ginger, and chickens will eat them. 

Ginger has many benefits to offer to your chickens. It provides them with essential nutrients, improves egg-laying ability, boosts the immune system, and prevents frostbite during the winter. 

You must give a decent amount of ginger to your chickens; excessive amounts of ginger can cause some potential side effects. Therefore, it is important to learn the right way to feed your chickens. 

Food Value of Ginger

Before we dive deep into the health benefits of ginger, let’s first have a quick look at the nutrition profile of the herb. It will make the later explanation easier and more trustable to you. Check the following table carefully:

NutrientsAmount (per 100g)
Water78.9 g
Energy80 kcal
Protein1.82 g
Fiber, total dietary2 g
Calcium, Ca16 mg
Iron, Fe0.6 mg
Phosphorus, P34 mg
Magnesium, Mg43 mg
Vitamin C5 mg
Vitamin B-60.16 mg
Sodium, Na13 mg
Potassium, K415 mg
Zinc, Zn0.34 mg
Manganese, Mn0.229 mg
Copper, Cu0.226 mg

Health Benefits of Ginger for Chickens

Ginger has many benefits to offer to chickens. Because of its rich nutrition profile, it makes an ideal addition to the diet of your chickens. Here are the major benefits of ginger for your chickens:

1. Ginger Offers Essential Minerals

Like every other animal, chickens need minerals for a healthy life, and ginger can contribute to this. It has a variety of minerals, including potassium, zinc, copper, sodium, calcium, etc. These are some essential minerals chickens need for a healthy life. 

Calcium can make their bones stronger. Iron is crucial to keep your chickens safe from anemia. Anemia is a deadly disease for chickens that causes the death of thousands of chickens every year. Copper also contributes to saving your chickens from anemia. 

Phosphorus is another vital mineral you need to ensure your chickens are having. It makes the eggshell stronger. A weaker shell cannot protect the chics safe inside. As a result, the chicken babies will be fragile and unhealthy. 

Sometimes, chickens die all of a sudden. There can be several reasons for that, but one of the major reasons is the lack of magnesium. Poor feathering and short bones are also caused by a lack of minerals. 

You can see that minerals are vital for the good health of your chickens. And being a good source of minerals, ginger makes an ideal addition to the diet of chickens. 

2. Provides Vital Vitamins

Vitamins are important for chickens for many different reasons. Chickens need different vitamins for different reasons. Here are some of the major reasons why you need to ensure proper vitamins for your birds:

  • Lack of vitamin A can cause a reduction in egg production. Your chickens will suffer from weakness, and their growth can be hampered. 
  • The shell of the eggs can get thinner. The egg and the unborn chic will have less protection. 
  • Different other vitamins also contribute to the growth of chickens. If the chickens do not get enough vitamins, their growth will be much slower. 
  • Vitamin B-6 is important for the proper metabolism of amino acids. Spasmodic convulsions and jerky movements are common signs of Vitamin B deficiency in chickens. 

3. Regulates Blood Circulation

Ginger can maintain good blood circulation in your chickens. This is important to maintain a proper body temperature. Chickens usually need a temperature of more than 104°F. The optimal healthy condition for any animal largely depends on proper blood circulation. 

Proper blood circulation ensures the movement of all organs. If blood is not circulated properly, your chickens can get paralyzed. Therefore, you need to give ginger to your chickens every once in a while, at least, if not regularly. 

4. Saves from Frostbite

Though frostbite cannot kill your chickens, it can cause severe damage to them if not handled properly. What is frostbite? This is the condition of the frozen legs of chickens. Their skins get cold and red. It makes the affected area numb, hard, and pale. 

Frostbite is a common threat to the poultry business. It does not only happen in winter. Quite the contrary, frostbite can happen in any season. If the floor is damp or cold, chickens can suffer from this issue. Poor ventilation can also cause this problem. 

So, what can you do? You need to ensure a proper environment for them. Additionally, you also need to provide them with the necessary foods. This will maintain the blood circulation in your chickens and maintain an ideal temperature. 

5. Improves Egg-laying

If you feed ginger in a balanced amount to your chicken, they will lay more eggs. It is scientifically and practically proven. It will not just increase the production; it also improves the quality of the eggs. The shells of the eggs will be stronger and will ensure proper protection to the chics inside. 

Ginger contains essential minerals and vitamins that contribute to their egg-laying habit. Additionally, it also has necessary nutrients like phosphorus to make the egg shells stronger and thicker. You can feed your egg-laying chickens ginger safely. It will do no harm to them. Instead, it will make them feel better and improve the overall quality of the eggs. 

6. Ginger Boosts the Immune System of Chickens

Give ginger to your chickens with other foods to strengthen their immune system. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These compounds keep your chickens healthy by making the immune system stronger. 

7. Boosts Appetite

Ginger can be a natural solution for your chickens that won’t eat properly. Sometimes, chickens can lose their appetite because of different factors. Let them have some ginger. It will increase their hunger, and they will be interested in eating more. 

If your eggs do not eat properly, they can suffer from different health issues. The immune system will not work properly, making them prone to bacterial infection. They can also go through a lack of minerals and vitamins for not eating properly. 

8. Ginger Is Antibacterial

Bacterial infection is a common threat for chickens, just like every other living being. Some bacteria can infect avian respiratory diseases and lead to coughing and nasal discharge. Bacterial infection can also lead to diarrhea and a slow growth rate. The immune system can also get weak. 

Ginger is a natural antibiotic. If you provide ginger in a measured amount, your chickens will get rid of the infection soon without any side effects. You can find medical antibiotics, but they can often cause several side effects.  

How to Feed Ginger to Chickens?

“Can chickens eat ginger?” You have already got the answer. But this can raise another closely related question. How shall you feed gingers to your chickens? Well, there are multiple ways to do it. For example, you can add ginger to other foods.

  • Take some ginger and measure the weight. You need less than 15g of ginger for 1 kg of chicken feed
  • Wash ginger properly before giving it to chickens. If you have decided to feed them leaves, wash the leaves as well.
  • If you are choosing powdered ginger, then just sprinkle the powder over the food. Make sure you are doing an overdose. 
  • You must grate or grind ginger before serving the raw. Chickens do not have teeth like your other pets, so they cannot chew their food. A small size can get stuck in their throat and cause critical situations. 
  • You can also serve ginger leaves, which are more popular for chickens. The leaves are safe for chickens, too, but again, make sure they are not having too much of it. 
  • Ginger or ginger feed should not be a regular food for your chickens. Giving ginger powder or leaves once or twice is enough for your chickens. 

Factors to Consider When Feeding Chicken with Garlic?

You need to consider some vital factors before giving ginger to your chickens. You should be mindful of the following factors to ensure they are not going to suffer from the herb:

  • Ginger should be used in a limited amount. You must not overfeed your chickens as it can cause several side effects. 
  • You can offer garlic occasionally. It should not be made their primary food. Do not mix garlic with their food more than twice a week. 
  • Consider adding other herbs or vegetables with garlic to make the food more nutritious.
  • Some chickens might not like the odor of garlic. Maintain a proper proportion of garlic and chicken feed. 
  • Look for the reaction of your chickens to garlic. If you notice any unusual signs or an unwillingness among the chickens to eat garlic, you should not force them to eat. 

Side Effects of Feeding Ginger to Chicken

Garlic is safe for chickens. However, you must feed them in a balanced amount. Excessive intake of garlic can cause some side effects. You should be aware of these side effects to keep your chicken safe. 

  • Excessive intake of garlic can hamper the digestive system. It can also lead to diarrhea in chickens. 
  • The strong flavor of garlic can affect the taste of eggs and meat of the avians. 
  • Some chickens can have allergic reactions. You must watch for any signs of allergies after adding garlic to your food. If you spot any such reaction, avoid adding any more garlic. 
  • Sometimes, garlic can contain pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Make sure to wash garlic properly to avoid this before giving it to chickens. 

Can Chickens Eat Ginger Root?

Chickens can eat ginger root without any issues. Ginger root has a bold flavor and is a good source of nutritional and digestive properties. It is one of the best ways to feed garlic to your hens and chickens. 

Nonetheless, you should not give the roots in its whole form. Instead, you must chop or slice it into small pieces. It will make the root easier for them to eat. Additionally, small pieces will also help you to measure properly how much you are feeding them. You can give raw ginger root to your chickens. But make sure to wash them properly. 

Can Chickens Eat Ginger Leaves?

Chicken can consume ginger leaves as well. Chickens are mostly omnivores. They will eat anything suitable to digest for them. And that includes ginger leaves as well. Ginger leaves contain the same nutrition as ginger. 

If you grow ginger in your garden, then your chickens will eagerly take some bites or pecks on the leaves. The best practice will be to wash the leaves properly and then chop or tear them into small pieces. This will prevent the risk of choking. 

You can offer fresh leaves or opt to dry the leaves first. Adding ginger leaves to their diet will make a good variation in their food list. This will both add flavor and essential nutrients to your chicken’s diet. 

What Other Herbs and Spices Can Chickens Eat?

Spices and herbs are healthy ingredients for the good health of chickens. They offer good taste as well as different nutrients. Here are some healthy spices and herbs to give to your chickens:

  • Catnip- it can uplift the mood of your chickens.
  • Black pepper- offers an enzyme that promotes a smooth digestion process. It can also reduce the risk of bacterial infection. Black pepper and ginger can help your chickens gain maximum weight.
  • Parsley- it is one of the most favorite items of chickens, and they can eat it directly. Chickens enjoy the fresh leaves and stems of parsley plants. It offers several vitamins, such as A, B, C, E, and K. 
  • Fennel- it can provide your chickens’ relief from gas bloating, cramps, and sluggish digestion.
  • Basil- the food is rich in iron and vitamin K. It can also boost the immunity system of chickens and keep them safe from the invasion of pathogens.
  • Mint- some chickens cannot stand hot weather. Adding mint to their food will increase their body temperature, and they will be able to adapt to the condition. 


Can Chickens Eat Raw Ginger?

Yes, chickens can eat raw ginger. However, you must be mindful of the presence of pesticides or other chemicals on it. Wash ginger properly before giving it to the chickens. You should chop it into small pieces. 

How Often Can Chickens Have Ginger?

Despite the health benefits, garlic should be provided in a small amount. You can add up to 15 g of garlic to 1 kg of chicken feed. Feeding garlic once or twice a week is enough. Overfeeding them with garlic can cause side effects. 

Can Baby Chicks Have Ginger, Too?

When baby chickens grow up enough to eat, you can add some ginger to their food. Baby chickens should be fed less garlic than adult ones. Maintain a proper diet of different foods to ensure proper nutrients for chickens. 

Is It Safe to Feed Chicken with Ginger?

Ginger is completely safe for your chickens. You can give them this herb on a regular basis. It will increase their immune power and help them stay fit and healthy. All the nutrients available in ginger are healthy for chickens. 

Can chickens eat dried ginger?

Yes, of course. Dried ginger is great for chickens and does not harm your chickens. Ginger is safe for chickens in dried, raw, or cooked form. Observe your hens and chickens carefully to learn about their feeding habits. 


Ginger is a great source of nutrition. It offers a wide variety of nutrition. But can chicken eat ginger? You know the answer now. Follow the above-mentioned instructions and feed your chickens with garlic. Your chickens will be healthier and stronger, and they will provide you with healthier eggs. 

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Shoumya Chowdhury

Blogger and Web Developer

Shoumya Chowdhury, an EEE graduate from CUET, is currently working as a web developer. Apart from his career, Shoumya is enthusiastic about blogging, sharing well-researched content on diverse topics. He is committed to providing authentic information and values the opportunity to engage with readers through his writing.


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