How to Get A Dog Unstoned at Home

7 Steps on How to Get A Dog Unstoned at Home to Save From Harms

Shoumya Chowdhury


If you are confirmed that your pups are high from eating marijuana, then you should rub and massage their ears. Keep them in a dimly lit, calm environment, and brush and hug them. If necessary, you may have to take them to the vet as well.

Your dog will show signs such as drowsiness, lethargy, difficulty in walking, dilated pupils, and slow heart rate. Marijuana is not safe for your dogs. It can cause seizures, gastrointestinal upset, liver damage, and brain damage. 

You must keep products that include marijuana out of reach of your dogs. Avoid smoking or vaping in front of your canines. Let’s see how to get a dog unstoned, why it is important, and how to prevent this.  

How to Get a Dog Unstoned: Step-by-Step Guide 

If you believe your dog is stoned because of eating marijuana or THC-containing products, you need to take some immediate steps. Instead of getting panicked, try the following steps: 

1. Make Your Dog Vomit 

In case the vet is not near at hand, you will have to take some steps at home before you take your dog to the vet. It is not wise to wait for a long time without treatment. When did the dog consume weed?  If it was within an hour, then you can try to make your dog vomit.   

This will help the dog get rid of the undigested cannabis compound in its stomach. This will also reduce the effects of marijuana. If the vet is nearby, the vet can take this step. But again, when the vet is far away, you should take the initiative to reduce the effects of weed. Thankfully, marijuana ingestion usually takes much time to get digested.  

However, you should only do it if you are an expert or have previous experience.  If you are not acquainted with it, do not attempt it.  Dogs can often get choked by their own saliva. It should be done by experts. As a precaution, you can try to know how to get it done properly beforehand. 

2. Take Your Dog to A Vet 

You can take care of your canine at home.  However, you should take him first to the vet. The symptoms of a stoned dog are identical to the signs of some other serious problems. Therefore, you should take it to a vet to be sure of your dog being only high.  

The vet will monitor different symptoms and conditions of the dog to save it from any serious damage.  Upon reaching the vet, you should be honest about everything.  Sometimes, people do not want to share information about marijuana.  Remember that the type of product is vital information for proper treatment.  

Some tests will be done on the dog. If the condition of your dog is at risk, the vet can try fluid therapy. You must also inform the vet about the amount of marijuana your dog has eaten. If you can take the dog early, within an hour, the vet can try activated charcoal therapy. This will bind the THC and reduce its effects.  

3. Keep Your Dog in a Dimly Lit Room 

If your dog has not taken too much weed, then you can expect the vet to let you take your dog home soon. However, you will need to be extra careful with your furry friend.  You should let your dog stay in a dimly lit room.  This is because they can be sensitive to direct sunlight at this stage. This will reduce the hypersensitivity to stimuli and keep them calm and quiet.  

4. Give Your Dog Enough Food and Water 

You must not reduce the amount of food and water when your dogs get high. Instead, you should maintain a proper food supply and increase the water supply. It will help your dog stay hydrated and get enough energy to recover from marijuana toxicity.  

Cannabis compounds often reduce saliva production. It can result in a dry mouth. Besides, a lack of water in such conditions can be dangerous for your dog. Therefore, maintain the regular food and water supply.  

5. Show Affection to Your Dog 

A stoned dog can be vulnerable. It can feel an emotional ups and downs.  This is a common side effect of consuming weed. You must show affection to the poor animal. Give it some more time, cuddle him, and take care of him. It will make the dog feel better.  

Hugging your dogs may not heal them faster, but it will surely give them some comfort. This can be a vital factor for them during this time. Make sure they are not feeling lonely. It can be harmful to their condition. Spend more time with him. Nonetheless, you should not try to engage your dog in playing. It is still not in good condition.  

6. Maintain Calm and Peace 

Sometimes, the consumption of marijuana or weed can make your dogs hypersensitive. Noise can disturb their rest, and it can also make them hypersensitive. Tell your family members to maintain a safe distance and make as little noise as possible.  

This will let your dog have some proper sleep, which is essential. Turn down the volume, and tell the children to make less noise.  However, you should not isolate the dog from all kinds of noises . This can be harmful, too. The dog may feel extremely lonely, and this can affect their recovery. Instead, keep everything usual. There can be family conversation and all, but not loudness.  

7. Rub Their Ears 

Rubbing the ears of your dogs will help them calm down.  Dogs often get excited or hyperactive when they consume marijuana. Rubbing the ears and massaging their body will help them calm down. You should try this the moment you notice your dog is acting stoned. This will also save them from potential heart attacks. Try brushing them as well if they seem to enjoy it.  

How to Know If Your Dog Is Stoned 

You must be aware of the signs to recognize that your dog is high. You will notice them showing the following symptoms: 

  • Drooling 
  • Dilated pupils 
  • Vomiting 
  • Slow heart rate 
  • Drowsiness 
  • Disorientation 
  • Sensitivity or light and touch  
  • Twitching or muscle tremors 
  • Low blood pressure 
  • Hypersensitivity or stimuli and 
  • Hypothermia 

How Long Does It Take For Dogs to Get Unhigh? 

It can take from 18 to 36 hours to make your dog unstoned if it ate weed.  The impact of weed or marijuana can vary on different dogs. Some of them can get stoned by a small amount, while some of them will consume a large amount of it.  

You must be caring and mindful about your dog during this time. Dogs do not understand the effects of marijuana. They will suffer from the signs and symptoms. However, they will have no clue about what is happening to them.  This can even scare your canines .  

You need to hug them and rub them to ensure that everything is okay. The heightened sensitivity will be difficult for them to cope with initially. Keep them in check till the effect of the weed does not wear down completely.  

Can Marijuana Be Fatal To Dogs? 

Marijuana can be fatal to dogs and cats.  Thankfully, it requires a pretty high amount of THC presence in a product. However, most edibles, vapes, or cigarettes do not contain such a high amount of marijuana in a product. So, if your dog somehow manages to eat any marijuana-made edibles, hopefully, it will not be fatal or deadly for them.  

Sometimes, people collect marijuana illegally. You should not try such things. However, if there is any such product that has a high concentration of THC and your dog has eaten it, you must immediately take your dog to a vet.  

Another thing you must remember is that your dogs can get high from any part of the marijuana plant. Therefore, if there are such plants near your residence, you should discourage your dog from going there.  

Is It Safe to Take a Stoned Dog to the Vet? 

Taking to the vet is the best solution for treating a high dog.  It can take a couple of days for your dog to come out of the trench. They need professional care during this time if the consumed amount is too high. Marijuana toxicity in dogs can be fatal if the dog eats too much of it.  

Once you notice the symptoms of a dog being high, you need to take it to the vet. Many people are afraid that the vet might complain about it to the police. Will they really do it?  In most cases, vets do not do such things.  This is not part of their duty.  

Vets are more concerned about the safety and health of your dog. Nonetheless, you should be ready for some criticism from the vet’s end about your carelessness. Still, the vet is your best option in such conditions.  

Prevent Your Dog from Eating Marijuana 

You should take some precautionary steps to avoid such incidents. It will save your dog from unnecessary suffering. Here are a few effective preventive steps: 

  • You must keep weed and other similar products in lockable containers. It is an effective and less costly solution. Be mindful to lock the containers after every use.  
  • Keep marijuana edibles out of the reach of your dogs. You can keep them in the fridge. Avoid keeping them on the table, or here and there. You must not show such reckless behavior when you have curious pets like dogs.  
  • Do you have weed plants? Use a dense fence around them. If possible, keep them behind a locked door.  
  • You should be more careful about the ashtray or packets of marijuana edibles . Make sure you have deposited them in the right place. Your dogs can show symptoms of marijuana toxicity by only taking some licks.  

“High Dog” Cases Are Increasing 

In recent times, incidents of stoned cases of dogs have increased. P art of this is because the consumption of different cannabis compounds has been legalized. CBD, a popularly known cannabis compound, is legal to consume in the United States after the Farm Bill 2018.  

Though CBD is not harmful to animals, marijuana and THC are. Many CBD products consume some amount of THC. So, even if you do not smoke weed, the risk for your dog is not zero. Your dog can eat some marijuana from your neighbor’s land, too. Therefore, you should train your dog and teach him that picking and eating stuff from the ground is not safe.  

You must educate yourself about the symptoms as well. Keep the contact information of your local vet noted.  A study shows that ingestion of marijuana among dogs has increased by 765% since 2019.  This is really alarming.  

How Does Marijuana Make Your Dog High? 

Since you have already learned about how to get a dog unstoned at home, one question might be lurking in your mind. How does marijuana make dogs high? Well, this is basically because of the presence of THC.  THC is a psychoactive compound that can alter and manipulate various senses.  

Dogs also have cannabinoid receptors . THC binds these cannabinoid receptors and influences the behavior of dogs. You must remember that dogs are more prone to THC than humans. Therefore, you should keep them away from any such products that contain THC.  

Though some studies claim that CBD and THC products can contribute to the health of your pets, this is not yet an established fact. You should, therefore, consult with a vet before giving any of these products to your dog.  


Can a dog sleep off a high? 

No, this is not an ideal approach to treating a stoned dog. If you are sure that your dogs have consumed marijuana, take them to the vet. The toxicity of marijuana is very powerful on dogs. You cannot expect it to be off oversleep.  

Do dogs lose balance when high? 

Yes, dogs can lose their balance when they are high. In fact, it is one of the symptoms that tells you that something is wrong with your dog. You should check carefully for other symptoms and take it to the vet if needed. 

What can I give my dog to stop them feeling sick from weed? 

Diazepam and chlorpromazine are often diagnosed in stoned dogs. However, any medicine should be administered under the supervision of the vet. You should not make the decision yourself.  

Can Dogs Die from Weed? 

Cannabis intoxication, or marijuana toxicity, is not necessarily fatal. Your dog can die from an overconsumption of marijuana. However, such incidents are rare. You should take your dog to the vet instead of freaking out.  

Conclusion: How to Get a Dog Unstoned 

Getting your dog out of the high state can take some time. You should be patient and caring to your canines in such a state. You must contact a vet, regardless of the amount of marijuana consumed. This will help your dog recover faster. You must also take the necessary steps to prevent such incidents.

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Shoumya Chowdhury

Blogger and Web Developer

Shoumya Chowdhury, an EEE graduate from CUET, is currently working as a web developer. Apart from his career, Shoumya is enthusiastic about blogging, sharing well-researched content on diverse topics. He is committed to providing authentic information and values the opportunity to engage with readers through his writing.


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