How Much Is A Turtle Cost to Purchase and Look After

How Much Is A Turtle Cost to Purchase and Look After

Shoumya Chowdhury


A one-time purchase cost for turtles can range between $5 and $200 or more. The price depends on the species, health condition, and location from where you are purchasing. You could also get it for free from someone who is willing to give away his or her turtle. 

Turtles have comparatively low maintenance compared to dogs and cats. They are also not very demanding, and because of this, their popularity as turtles is increasing. A survey found that about 2.3% of households in the US had at least one turtle. 

Apart from the purchasing cost, you have to spend on food, tank setup, environment management, etc. Having a proper idea of the cost will help you take good preparation beforehand.

How Can You Get A New Turtle?

You can get new turtles in different ways. You can have your turtles in the following ways.

1. Free

Yes, you can have a turtle for free from someone you know who already has a turtle. Surveys show that most pet owners love to have 1 or 2 turtles at home. It becomes costly to maintain as the number gets bigger. So, people often give away new turtle babies for free. 

Taking turtles from someone you know is a good way to have a turtle. You will be well informed about the health condition of the turtle, and it saves you money too. 

2. Adoption

Adoption is another good option to collect or have a turtle. You can adopt your turtle from different sources. Many owners may sell their extra turtles for a small amount. The price is usually reasonable. The average cost for adoption is between $10 and $40. 

You can also get your turtle from rescue or pet shelters. People often donate turtles to pet shelters for proper care. These shelters also often rescue different animals and look after them. You can take your turtles from them and contribute to the welfare of further rescued pet animals. 

3. Breeder

Getting your turtle from the breeder is a professional approach to owning a pet. Many breeders commercially breed turtles, though the number is still not high. The turtles are looked after by professionals, and you can expect them to be in good condition.

Additionally, you will find different species of turtles in a breeder, including some of the rare ones. You may have to pay more money to the breeder because of their commercial approach. However, you should keep in mind that selling or buying turtles that are under 4 inches is legally prohibited. The average cost of purchasing turtles from breeders is about $50 – $100. 

What Are the Factors that Influence Turtle Price

There are different factors influencing the price of a turtle. Knowing the facts will help you justify the price you are asked. 

1. Species of the Turtle

Not all turtle species have the same price. Their species plays the primary role in deciding their price. Some turtles are more commonly owned as pets and have higher prices. The rarity of the species, their physical appearance, etc., also play roles in increasing the price. 

Here is a list of price ranges by turtle species. Also, these turtles are legal to have as pets. 

Turtle SpeciesAverage LifespanHabitat
Red-Eared Slider20-40 yearsAquatic
Yellow-Bellied Slider Turtle20-30 yearsAquatic
Mississippi Map Turtle15-25 yearsAquatic
Western Painted Turtle20-40 yearsAquatic
Florida Red-Belly Turtle25-30 yearsAquatic
Common Snapping Turtle30-50 yearsAquatic
Ornate Box Turtle25-30 yearsLand
Russian Tortoise50-100 yearsLand
Indian Star Tortoise80-150 yearsLand
Eastern Painted Turtle20-40 yearsAquatic
False Map Turtle15-20 yearsAquatic
Common Musk Turtle40-60 yearsAquatic
Eastern Mud Turtle30-40 yearsAquatic
African Side-Neck Turtle20-40 yearsAquatic
Chinese Golden Thread Turtle30-50 yearsAquatic
Spotted Turtle25-30 yearsAquatic
Texas Diamondback Terrapin25-40 yearsAquatic

2. Age and Size

These are two important factors influencing the price of a turtle greatly. You will have to spend more to purchase a mature turtle. This is justifiable considering the expense the owner has to go through. You can have a turtle at a much lower price if you purchase a baby turtle. However, you may have to spend a good amount of time taking care of them. 

3. Health Condition

Healthy and active turtles are going to cost you more money, of course. Sometimes, owners might not want to keep a sick turtle. They may even be ready to give away the turtle for free. You can adopt such turtles if you think you can take proper care of them. However, you should opt for a healthy turtle if you are a beginner pet owner. 

4. Coloration and Markings

Turtles often have unique, vibrant coloration and markings. Even turtles of the same species can have different appearances in their patterns and coloration. The aesthetic look of the turtle often influences the price. 

5. From Where You Are Purchasing

A well-known breeder may demand an additional charge for their expertise in the field. You may have them comparatively at a low price if you are purchasing them from another owner. Pet shelters can charge more money if they catch the turtle from the wild. Try to get your turtle from a reputed breeder or from an expert pet owner. 

6. Your Geographical Location

Your location and the availability of turtles in your area affect the price of turtles. You may have your turtle at a lower price in Alabama because of the large availability of turtles there. The price is high in places where turtles are not commonly seen. You can purchase your turtle from online stores if the animal is not common in your area. 

How Much Does A Turtle Cost to Bring Home? 

Well, the price of the turtle is not the only expense you are going to face when you want to have a turtle. You have to go through several other criteria to ensure the turtle is safe to bring home. 

ItemAverage Price
Initial vet visit$5 to $75
Turtle food$20
Aquarium $100 to $500
Substrates $25 to $65
Water conditioner$10 to $15
Basking lamp $45 to $55
Turtle ramp, rocks, or basking platform$10 to $30
Filter $70 to $200
Aquarium heater$20 to $40
Thermostat $50

1. Initial Vet Visit

You should not overlook this. Taking your new pet to the vet is an ideal precaution. It will help you understand the health condition of your pet. Besides, sometimes, animals can contain harmful viruses or bacteria. A vet can ensure whether the pet is safe to take home. The expense is not very high in most conditions. Unless there is any health problem with the turtle, you can get it done within a few dollars. 

2. Turtle Food

You need to maintain a proper diet for your turtle. They are omnivores, and cats eat almost anything they can put into their mouth. However, it is essential to remember that these reptiles do not have teeth. Therefore, hard food is not suitable for them. You can purchase some turtle food from the market, or some fresh fruits and vegetables will do fine, too. 

3. Aquarium 

Unless you have chosen a land turtle, you need to set up a container. And it is going to cost you a decent amount. The first step is to get an aquarium. Despite their small size, turtles need a bigger space to live. You need to manage an aquarium with at least the capability of 29 gallons, with a screened top. Turtles enjoy daylight, however, avoid placing the aquarium under the direct sun. 

4. Substrates 

Adding only water is not enough for your turtle tank. You need to add substrate for its comfort. You can use soil, coconut coir, cypress mulch, sand, reptile-safe bedding, etc., as substrates. This helps you create a mini-environment that resonates with the natural environment of turtles. 

Turtles feel more comfortable and relaxed because of the presence of substrates. The mixture of soil and coconut coir helps their thermoregulation. They use sand and other substrates for laying and hiding eggs. Hiding different objects is a favorite pastime for turtles. Adding sand and substrates helps them do it. 

5. Water Conditioner

Water conditioners are needed to ensure the water quality meets the specific needs of your turtles. You should get one from a pet store when you buy a turtle. Tap water often contains chlorine that can do harm to turtles. A water conditioner neutralizes their chemicals and makes the water safe for aquatic turtles. 

Water conditioners also contain compounds to neutralize heavy metals in water. Water can contain copper and lead, which are not safe for turtles either. Additionally, wastes produced by turtles can lead to ammonia in the water. Conditioners detoxify ammonia and promote healthy skin and shell health for your reptile friend. 

6. Basking Lamp 

Turtle owners often make the mistake of buying a basking lamp. Any type of turtle needs a basking spot. It helps their thermoregulation. Direct sunlight is harmful to reptiles, so you may find it difficult to manage basking sports properly for them naturally. Therefore, you need to add a basking lamp. The price is not very high. You can get one for $55. 

7. Turtle Ramp, Rocks, Feeder, or Basking Platform

Owning a turtle is not that easy. You need to manage different things, such as ramps, rocks, feeders, basking platforms, etc. A heat lamp can give them warmth, but for that, they need a spot. Basking spots are usually territorial surfaces. You can also use the basking platform to place the feeder to offer them food. Adding some pebbles and rocks will help them play and hide. 

8. Filter and Thermostat 

You need to buy a filter and thermostat for your pet turtle. These are valuable assets of turtle care. The filter will help maintain the quality of the water, while the thermostat will help you track the temperature. The ideal temperature for them can vary for different species. Improper temperature can have an impact on their growth and health. 

Cost of Annual Expenses of Having A Turtle

How much is a turtle going to cost you a year can be a concerning question while buying a turtle. Though their maintenance expense is less than other pets, still you need to keep a budget for them.

Health Care$45–$200 
Treatments for Parasites$15–$150
Food Costs$240–$480
Environment Maintenance$130–$200

1. Health Care

Turtles do not need much attention to their health care. They are one of the few animals that have no major diseases. They do not need any vaccination or dental care. However, you should take them to the vet for regular checkups. A trained vet on turtles should thoroughly conduct a checkup to ensure the reptile is in its optimal health condition.  

2. Treatments for Parasites

Parasite infection is one of the few things that can make a turtle suffer. They can get infected by flukes, tapeworms, flagellates, and nematodes. You need to take your pet to the vet upon noticing any signs. Neglecting the symptoms can lead to serious health issues. You may need to spend some bucks on treatment and medication. 

3. Emergencies

Emergencies can happen due to accidental injuries. It is difficult to presume how much money you may need. For safety, keep a budget of over $100. By caring for your reptile pet, you may be able to reduce the risk of accidents and emergencies. 

4. Insurance

Having insurance for turtles is still not a common practice among the owners. However, it can come in handy in case of emergencies. The insurance procedure is similar to that for other pets. You can have insurance for $48-1,200 annually. You can decide the amount based on your reptile and its health condition.

5. Food Costs

You do not need to spend a high amount to purchase turtle food. These animals are omnivores and eat vegetables, fruits, leaves, grass, and meat as well. You can give them any leftover food. Just ensure the quality of the food. Give them fresh vegetables or fruits. Avoid feeding them foods with different spices. 

6. Environment Maintenance

A major expense for turtles is maintaining their environment. You need to change the filter, water, and other components from time to time. This will add up to expenses for you. Maintaining the ideal environment for them is crucial. The annual cost for such maintenance can pile up to $40–$120. 

7. Entertainment

Turtles can get bored out of loneliness. An effective way to keep them entertained is by giving them toys to play with. You will find many interesting toys for these reptiles in local pet stores. It is a relaxing scene to watch them play with these items, too. Keep a budget to give them new toys every few months. This will keep them active and stress-free. 

Keeping turtles as pets is legal in the United States. You can consult with an expert for assurance regarding the rules of your locality. The only legal law you need to be careful of is not to buy any hatchling. The size of the turtle needs to be at least 4 inches to be sold or bought. 

In some states, catching turtles from the wild is legally prohibited. You can only buy turtles in some places from professional breeders. You must also check the legal certifications of the breeders you are purchasing from. You are not allowed to import turtles from other countries to keep as pets. 


What age group of people love having turtles?

Turtles are easy to look after, even for children. However, the reptile is more popular as a pet to adults. The most common demographic includes 25-54 years old. As the pet is less demanding, people who remain busy most of the time find it easy to look after them.

Do pet turtles live?

Yes, pet turtles can live up to 150 or more years if taken care of properly. It makes them an ideal pet for people who are looking for a long-term component. You should also consider the responsibility as well. 

Is a turtle a lucky pet?

Yes, there are some traditional beliefs that turtles are lucky for you. It can keep greed away from you. The luckiness of the animal often influences its price when you try to buy them. 

Do turtles like owners?

Yes, turtles show some level of affection to their owners in their own way. However, they are solitary animals and do not ask for much affection. You had better watch them play and enjoy themselves instead of holding them for long. 

Can I sell antique tortoiseshells?

The commercial or business use of turtle and tortoise shells is highly regulated and restricted. In most cases, it is illegal to sell them. Making jewelry or other accessories of these shells is also subject to legal regulations, and you need to get a permit for this. 


Buying a turtle usually does not cost you much. However, setting up the turtle’s enclosure, turtle insurance, healthcare costs, and initial needs to be considered. Turtles can make great pets for people who do not want to spend much time on their pets. You can spend some leisure time watching them playing around. It is really worth the money.

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Shoumya Chowdhury

Blogger and Web Developer

Shoumya Chowdhury, an EEE graduate from CUET, is currently working as a web developer. Apart from his career, Shoumya is enthusiastic about blogging, sharing well-researched content on diverse topics. He is committed to providing authentic information and values the opportunity to engage with readers through his writing.


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